07-26-2024, 03:15 PM
You can only trust them when they trust you.
Wherever I go, I always say "I am a butterfly. I go many bars and have many lady friend".
Those who came with me understand fully what's in and what's not for them. Lucky for me so far, I have not come across any asking me for money. Guess they knew very well, between us, it's just business.
Indeed some of the relationship with these BG develop into more than business transaction. We became friends hang out sometimes. These doesn't cost more than just food, transport, drinks and ST/LT. Sometimes simply movies or dinner before they start off to work.
These BG do share with you a lot if they trust u and treat u like friends.
I remember once was discussing many of my tirak got married. This BG told me, its true most of them look forward to that and she is one of them. I responded "but you know I will not be the guy". She simply say "ya, I know. You butterfly.... with good heard", "you me just gig"
I even have BG who are happily married and still maintaining contact with me and telling me how happy she is now. And wish I will have same luck as them -- one day will find someone and have happy family.
"But you be careful, there are bad ladies, you very good heart and I cannot take care you anymore, only can take care my husband" she message.
Wherever I go, I always say "I am a butterfly. I go many bars and have many lady friend".
Those who came with me understand fully what's in and what's not for them. Lucky for me so far, I have not come across any asking me for money. Guess they knew very well, between us, it's just business.
Indeed some of the relationship with these BG develop into more than business transaction. We became friends hang out sometimes. These doesn't cost more than just food, transport, drinks and ST/LT. Sometimes simply movies or dinner before they start off to work.
These BG do share with you a lot if they trust u and treat u like friends.
I remember once was discussing many of my tirak got married. This BG told me, its true most of them look forward to that and she is one of them. I responded "but you know I will not be the guy". She simply say "ya, I know. You butterfly.... with good heard", "you me just gig"
I even have BG who are happily married and still maintaining contact with me and telling me how happy she is now. And wish I will have same luck as them -- one day will find someone and have happy family.
"But you be careful, there are bad ladies, you very good heart and I cannot take care you anymore, only can take care my husband" she message.