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Can Bar Girls Be Trusted? Navigating Relationships and Financial Requests - Printable Version

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Can Bar Girls Be Trusted? Navigating Relationships and Financial Requests - aiden15632 - 07-26-2024

Last summer in Pattaya, I met a fantastic barmaid on Soi 6. Our connection was strong, and the experience was memorable. However, a concern lingers: I often ended up paying for things beyond our time together.
When I returned to England, I couldn’t stop thinking about her. I reached out, and she expressed that she never wanted money for herself but only for her sick mother in the hospital. She assured me she wouldn't ask others for money or see other customers. Yet, I know she’s still working on Soi 6, which raises concerns given the reputation of the area.
A few weeks later, she called saying her dog had been hit by a car and needed £500 for the vet. I sent the money, but doubts began to creep in. Then, another call came, claiming her car was washed away in a tsunami, and she needed more money, which was beyond my budget.
After this, I decided to stop giving money. When I informed her, she agreed and professed her love, suggesting she wanted to marry me and move to England, but she needed funds for the ticket.
I’m at a crossroads and would appreciate any advice from those with more experience. How can one discern genuine intentions from a pattern of financial requests? What steps should I take to navigate this situation?

4o mini

RE: Can Bar Girls Be Trusted? Navigating Relationships and Financial Requests - daniel74 - 07-26-2024

You should have checked out more details on the Tsunami before sending money,The idear that the dog needed a 500baht vets bill is way out of line as it was most likly already dead.If you send the money for airfare you will have to pay for her visa also its just not that simple to just get ticket and come to Uk.

You have given her money so far quite easy for her to take it,BUT think about it make some inquiries about what she wants to do,check with her what has she done to help you and help get herself here to uk, or is it for you to do and pay all

RE: Can Bar Girls Be Trusted? Navigating Relationships and Financial Requests - hilululu - 07-26-2024

Far out mate ..why don't you just mortgage your house and give her that too

Would you give prostitutes in the UK that you have known for a week large sums of money ???

Have heard more than a few stories of tourists sending money over to bar girls for plane tickets

only to have them not show up at the airport and then get a phone call saying that Grandma ,Dog,brother is sick and they

used the money for hospital bills....

Wise up man !!

RE: Can Bar Girls Be Trusted? Navigating Relationships and Financial Requests - johnson13 - 07-26-2024

Based on experience, and I learnt the hard way, if she is still working in the bar irrespective of what she tells you it is 99.9% certain that she bar fines. Maybe she will not be off every night but she will sometimes be taking care of customers. She is human and be it peer pressure from the other girls, a financial offer she cannot refuse, to much to drink one night or she just fancys the bloke she will be off fucking about. Face it mate it is her job. Thai logic would say what is the problem I he knows I fucked dozens of blokes before I met him and he was not worried so why would fucking a few more matter especially as he will not find out.

I cannot see any bar girl paying £500 on vet bill for a dog. You might also ask yourself how did she afford the car in the first place and how was she running it. She is unlikely to earn this type of money on ladydrinks. Also a simple check on the web would see if there had been tsumami recently I do not recall hearing about one.

If she is serious about you ask her to leave the bar and return to her home village only if she is happy to do this will you have some confidence she is still not on the game.

RE: Can Bar Girls Be Trusted? Navigating Relationships and Financial Requests - shant234 - 07-26-2024

You can only trust them when they trust you.

Wherever I go, I always say "I am a butterfly. I go many bars and have many lady friend".

Those who came with me understand fully what's in and what's not for them. Lucky for me so far, I have not come across any asking me for money. Guess they knew very well, between us, it's just business.

Indeed some of the relationship with these BG develop into more than business transaction. We became friends hang out sometimes. These doesn't cost more than just food, transport, drinks and ST/LT. Sometimes simply movies or dinner before they start off to work.

These BG do share with you a lot if they trust u and treat u like friends.

I remember once was discussing many of my tirak got married. This BG told me, its true most of them look forward to that and she is one of them. I responded "but you know I will not be the guy". She simply say "ya, I know. You butterfly.... with good heard", "you me just gig"

I even have BG who are happily married and still maintaining contact with me and telling me how happy she is now. And wish I will have same luck as them -- one day will find someone and have happy family.

"But you be careful, there are bad ladies, you very good heart and I cannot take care you anymore, only can take care my husband" she message.