11-23-2024, 12:01 PM
Yup, it's hard to explain and I guess everyone is different but I'll try. It starts in both of my hips. a warm feeling. Then I begin to feel two warm pools of thick liquid (like mercury consistency) turn into rivers that flow toward my V. The two rivers meet at my V and swirl in a circle and blend together (the best part). The warm river then flows back and forth, from left to right and back, up from my V up my stomach. The better the O the longer this part takes. It finally reaches my breast bone and it explodes into millions of warm sparkles (like from a sparkler) out from my body. Then my mind goes blank. Some of the sparkles "get caught" in certain places and I twitch those areas to get them out. Maybe just a shoulder, or several areas. So I kinda twitch. If it's a special O, I'll just start laughing uncontrollably to get the sparkles to stop getting caught in my body. Then I, do it all over again. That's pretty much as explicit as I can get. Hope you understand.