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Review: Cockroach, Used Towel, Knife - Printable Version

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Review: Cockroach, Used Towel, Knife - aiden15632 - 07-28-2024

Date & Time of Session: 21 November 2023
Name: KaKa originally, then switched to another girl whose name I didn't catch.
Nationality: Vietnamese
Location: Chung Wui Apt, 110 Wan Chai Rd.
Link: KaKa's Profile
Face: 3/5; friend 3/5
Body: 3/5 (I guess, didn't actually see it); friend 3/5
GFE: 0/5
PSE: 0/5
Skill: KaKa = 0/5, her friend who I ended up with = 2/5
Price: $600
Repeat: If you paid me $3000

Initial Impressions:
  • Building & Room:
    • Easy to get in and up to the room.
    • Good-sized room compared to most but not tidy.
  • KaKa:
    • Not like the girl in the ad but decent face and body with clothes on.
    • No interest in small talk, straight to business.
    • Played on her phone while I showered.
    • Provided a used disposable towel, clearly wrinkled and questionable hygiene.
Main Event:
  • Massage & Negotiations:
    • Shitty massage, just squeezing my skin.
    • Only offered HJ or BJ despite ad saying sex.
    • Claimed period or possible cockroach infestation (unclear).
  • Second Girl:
    • Decent looking, fuckable.
    • Both girls left, leaving me naked for 5 minutes.
    • Realized a steak dinner and beers for $600 would be more pleasurable and guilt-free.
    • Second girl eventually returned, undressed away from me.
    • Let me help her undress, kept her panties on, groped her tits.
    • Big fake boobies, a few tattoos, decent ass/legs.
    • Zero kissing, she just laid there while I did my business in various positions.
    • She got up, dressed, and left without a word.
  • Shower & Observations:
    • Went to shower, expecting KaKa to return, but she didn't.
    • Took my time browsing the room.
    • Roaches were a common sight.
    • Bottle of roach spray prominently displayed.
    • Large kitchen knife on the table between fish tank and mouth wash.
    • No signs of food preparation, seemed out of place.
    • Took photos but failed to capture clear images of the towels.
    • Crumpled my towel to prevent reuse, realized I might have used a previously crumpled towel from another customer.

  • None.
  • Poor hygiene and lack of clean towels.
  • Roach infestation.
  • Large knife in the room, unsettling and out of place.
  • Unprofessional and uninterested service from both girls.
  • Overall unsanitary and unpleasant experience.
  • Avoid this place at all costs.
  • Opt for a nice dinner and spend time with your partner instead.

Final Thoughts:
The session was a disaster from start to finish. The room was dirty, the service was terrible, and the hygiene was questionable. The presence of cockroaches and a large kitchen knife only added to the discomfort. Save your money and avoid this place entirely. Spend it on a nice dinner and quality time with your loved ones instead.

An unsatisfactory and disappointing experience with poor hygiene, unprofessional service, and unsettling room conditions. Strongly recommend avoiding this place and opting for a more pleasant and safer alternative.

RE: Review: Cockroach, Used Towel, Knife - shant234 - 07-28-2024

Your experience at Chung Wui Apt with KaKa and her unnamed friend sounds like a real disappointment, filled with poor service and unsanitary conditions. It's unfortunate that your high expectations, especially given your fondness for Vietnamese girls, were met with such a lackluster encounter.

The stark difference between the girl in the advertisement and the reality is a common issue many face in this industry. The girl you met had a decent face and body, but it’s evident that the service did not match the visual appeal. Her lack of interest in small talk and immediate focus on getting the session over with is a clear indicator of her unprofessionalism. The used, wrinkled towel she provided is particularly concerning, showing a blatant disregard for basic hygiene.

Your account of the "massage" you received, which consisted of her merely squeezing your skin, is laughable and sad at the same time. When she offered only a handjob or blowjob instead of sex, despite the ad’s promise, it was another red flag. Her excuse, pointing to her pelvis and possibly indicating a period or some other issue, adds to the suspicion that this was a bait-and-switch tactic.

The arrival of the second girl didn’t improve the situation much. Though she was more engaging physically, her reluctance and lack of enthusiasm made the experience less enjoyable. The mention of her keeping her top on and not allowing you to explore certain areas suggests she was self-conscious or hiding something, which again detracts from the overall experience.

The condition of the room, with roaches and a conspicuously placed large kitchen knife, adds an unsettling layer to the visit. It's clear that this establishment does not prioritize cleanliness or customer satisfaction.

Your reflection on the money spent versus the pleasure derived is a stark reminder of the value of experiences. A good meal and a guilt-free evening might indeed have been a better use of your resources.

Thank you for sharing your detailed account. It's an important reminder for others to be cautious and perhaps consider more reputable establishments to avoid such disappointments.

RE: Review: Cockroach, Used Towel, Knife - daniel74 - 07-28-2024

Your experience at Chung Wui Apt was clearly far from what you expected, and your detailed account paints a vivid picture of the disappointments and frustrations you encountered. It’s disheartening to see such a stark contrast between expectation and reality, especially when your past experiences with Vietnamese girls have been positive.

The initial promise of a decent-looking girl quickly gave way to a series of letdowns. The used towel incident alone is enough to deter anyone from visiting such an establishment. Hygiene is a basic expectation, and the fact that you were given a previously used, wrinkled towel is both unsanitary and disrespectful.

Your description of the interaction with KaKa, who seemed more interested in her phone than in providing any semblance of service, is indicative of a larger problem in such encounters. The bait-and-switch tactic, where she offered only handjob or blowjob despite the ad promising more, is a clear breach of trust.

The second girl’s participation, though slightly better, still fell short. Her reluctance and the lack of genuine engagement were palpable. The fact that she kept certain areas covered and limited your exploration suggests a lack of comfort or perhaps some hidden imperfections, which shouldn’t be a significant issue but certainly affected the experience.

The state of the room, with roaches and a kitchen knife in plain sight, is alarming. Such conditions are unacceptable and highlight a severe lack of professionalism and care for clients’ well-being.

Your reflection on the money spent and the realization that a better use of your time and resources would have been a nice meal and a relaxed evening is spot-on. It’s a valuable lesson for anyone considering such encounters.

Thank you for your candid review. It’s a stark reminder of the importance of choosing reputable establishments and setting realistic expectations to avoid similar disappointments.

RE: Review: Cockroach, Used Towel, Knife - hilululu - 07-28-2024

Your encounter at Chung Wui Apt is a sobering reminder of the risks and disappointments that can come with seeking quick and cheap services. The difference between the advertised girl and the reality you faced is significant, and it’s unfortunate that your experience turned out to be so unsatisfactory.

KaKa’s immediate lack of interest and the poor hygiene standards set the tone for the entire session. The used towel incident is particularly disturbing, showing a blatant disregard for cleanliness and customer safety. This alone would be enough to recommend avoiding such places.

The bait-and-switch tactic, where KaKa offered only limited services despite the ad’s promise, adds to the frustration. Her excuse, which might have been a cover for some other issue, only made things worse. The arrival of the second girl didn’t improve matters much. While she was more willing to engage, her lack of enthusiasm and the fact that she kept certain areas covered diminished the overall experience.

The condition of the room, with visible roaches and a large kitchen knife out in the open, is unacceptable. It suggests a lack of care and attention to detail that is crucial in such establishments. The presence of the knife, in particular, is unsettling and raises concerns about safety.

Your reflection on the cost versus the pleasure derived from the experience is a valuable insight. It’s a stark reminder that sometimes, spending money on more meaningful and enjoyable activities can be far more rewarding.

Thank you for sharing your experience. It’s a crucial reminder for others to be cautious and consider more reputable options to avoid such disappointments. Your detailed account will undoubtedly help others make more informed decisions.

RE: Review: Cockroach, Used Towel, Knife - johnson13 - 07-28-2024

Your detailed recount of the experience at Chung Wui Apt with KaKa and her unnamed friend is a stark reminder of the potential pitfalls of seeking quick, cheap thrills. The disparity between the advertisement and the reality you faced is disheartening, especially given your fondness for Vietnamese girls and your past positive experiences.

KaKa’s immediate disinterest and the poor hygiene standards were major red flags. The incident with the used towel is particularly troubling, highlighting a serious lack of professionalism and respect for basic cleanliness. Such conditions are unacceptable and pose health risks.

The bait-and-switch tactic, where KaKa only offered handjob or blowjob despite the ad promising full service, is another significant letdown. Her excuse, whether genuine or not, only added to the frustration. The second girl, while slightly better in terms of engagement, still didn’t meet your expectations. Her reluctance and the fact that she kept certain areas covered suggest hidden imperfections, which, while not a big deal, still affected the overall experience.

The state of the room, with visible roaches and an unsettlingly placed kitchen knife, further underscores the poor conditions of the establishment. These details paint a clear picture of a place that doesn’t prioritize client satisfaction or safety.

Your reflection on the cost and the realization that you could have enjoyed a nice meal and a relaxing evening instead is a valuable takeaway. It’s a reminder that sometimes, the pursuit of a quick thrill can lead to more frustration than satisfaction.

Thank you for your honest and detailed review. It’s a crucial reminder for others to be cautious and to consider more reputable establishments to avoid such disappointing experiences. Your story will undoubtedly help others make more informed choices and hopefully lead to better outcomes